About Spencer

Area Links

City of Spencer

Clay County Regional Events Center photo

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Spencer photo

Spencer photo

City of Spencer


Spencer Chamber of Commerce


Spencer Daily Reporter

Spencer Hospital

Spencer Municipal Utilities

Spencer Public Library

Spencer Community Theatre

Spencer Family YMCA


Clay County Fair


Clay County

Clay County Extension Office


Iowa Tourism

Iowa Great Lakes

Iowa Dept of Economic Development (IDED)

Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corp.

Iowa Workforce Development


Iowa Lakes Community College


Arts on Grand

Parker Museum

Spencer is an enterprising city where country charm and a modern lifestyle go hand in hand. Unlike much of Iowa, the lovely, rolling farmlands of this northwest corner of the state are dotted with picturesque lakes and wooded shorelines. It is a landscape enhanced by the historic buildings of the downtown area and the town's personable cultural flair. With a comfortable lifestyle, low crime and abundant recreation areas, Spencer is a great town with a lot going for it.

It comes as no surprise that Spencer is listed in The 100 Best Small Art Towns in America. At the center of the local arts scene is Arts On Grand. One of the town's biggest tourist attractions, Arts On Grand also puts on exhibits, classes, and special events year-round.

Only a 15 minute drive away from Iowa's Great Lakes region, Spencer couldn't be better situated for year-round fun. Residents can enjoy beautiful biking and skiing trails, picturesque campgrounds, and terrific bass fishing. Just point your car in practically any direction, and you'll find a promising lake. The natural beauty of the town's surroundings combines with the thriving cultural to make the Spencer area a first-rate vacation spot.

There are also many municipal resources available. The area features two golf courses, with 18 more within less than an hour's travel. There are also plenty of city parks providing tennis courts, nature trails and playing fields.

With so much to recommend it, it's no wonder people are attracted to Spencer. With people come more business, and the economy is flourishing. The agricultural, retail and recreational sectors are booming, and yet the cost of living is below the national average.

Spencer seems to have it all. In addition to a healthy lifestyle, residents enjoy excellent health care and a safe environment. For all these reasons, Spencer is one of the most appealing towns in Iowa.