Spencer Middle School
Golden Tiger Program
The Spencer Middle School Golden Tiger Service Program encourages students to become connected to the world around them, and to recognize that they have a responsibility to contribute to a cause greater than their own.
Service is defined as work done for a non-profit agency or individual and one in which there is no compensation or reward for the individual completing the work. The activity should contribute to the well being of the school or community. Volunteering for a relative, or a business that operates for profit is not considered service learning. Participating in a club, sport, or school-sponsored activity does not in itself constitute service learning. If the club, sport, or activity sponsors a service learning event, then hours would be awarded accordingly.
Recognition will be given to students who do a minimum of 20 service learning hours during a school year, and for students accumulating 60 hours while at Spencer Middle School. Recognition will be given during the middle school awards assembly at the end of the school year. Eligible hours accumulated in May and during the summer will count towards the next school year.
A Verification of Service Form must be turned in to verify each service learning experience and service hours. Forms are available in the Student Services and in CANVAS under homebase and important links. Completed forms should be turned into Student Services. The final date to turn in forms is always the first week in May. The exact date will be shared prior to the deadline on the middle school announcements.
Use the checklist below to determine if an activity is considered service learning.
For an Outside Agency:
Is it a non-profit agency?
Does the agency rely on volunteers?
Did someone from the agency witness you performing the service?
For Individuals:
Is the individual unable to perform the activity or task?
Are they financially disadvantaged?
Are they elderly or in need of assistance?
Was the activity necessary to help the individual?
Is the individual someone other than a relative?
For Spencer Middle School:
Did a SMS staff member witness the activity?
Was the activity done through an official club or school group?
Was the activity unrelated to any grade?
If you answered NO to any question in a category, you may want to check to determine if the activity will count as community service hours.
Examples of School Service Include:
Cleaning up the school grounds
Collection of recyclable items
Before or after school assistance for school staff
Participating in a team or school sponsored community service opportunity
Peer Tutoring