Congratulations to this year’s retirees!!! The District is happy & honored to recognize
these individuals for their years of service to Spencer Community Schools. We wish them
the best in their retirement. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO FOR SPENCER STUDENTS!!!

Front row (left to right): Sally Hamilton, Tammy Freeman, Julie Riessen, Cheryl Jackson, Jane Gude, and Allison Sorensen
Second row: (left to right): Mark Nemmers, Chris Gude, Janet Boyens, Julie Nemmers, Dave Storm and Kurt Schwarck
A big “thank you” to CF Industries, Spencer, for awarding teachers participating in this year’s Classroom Mini-Grant program. Teachers pictured left to right (front row): Tara Rabenberg, Hannah Milbrath, Ellie Hansen, Julie Riessen, Debra Wittrock, Tami Cline, Carli Krukow, Britni Berns and Kirsten Schulz. Second row (left to right): Ben Gloyd (CF Industries), Hannah Heissel, Mallory Anderson, Shanna Kissinger-Erdman, Amanda Mathis, Brandy Kirschbaum, Troy Kaufman, and Alex Dreier. Missing from photo: Julie Hansen, Kim Moser, Jessica Cooper, and Cammy Trierweiler.
Projects awarded include: Animals and their Offspring, SEL Outdoors, Clay County Ag Support Videos, Insects and Woodland Animals, Life Cycles of Insects, Courtyard Garden, Plants, and Integration, Literacy, with Social Skills and Science.
Spencer educators received $2,489 for their projects. Thanks CF Industries for your support of Spencer Schools.